Tuesday, April 29, 2008


caller: "yeah, hi, um. . . how much are tires?"

ken: "what kind of tires?"

caller: "you know, the rubber part that goes on a bike?!"

ken: "yes, i know what tires are. i mean what type of bike do you have- there are different sizes and types of tires for different bikes. road, track, mountain. . . . ."

and on and on. . . .

it made me laugh, and then i knew i'd write a blog about it.


Brittany Bly said...

you'd love my boyfriend. he's on team bike snob. actually he's like the president and ceo of bike snobs, inc.

Velodrone said...
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Velodrone said...

why are you a magnet for inept retarded questions??
you shuld have said:
Tires are shit that you dont have and we got bio-tch!
people are dumb